Creating C++ source file, Editing, Compiling, Linking, Debugging.
Object Oriented Programming(OOP).
Applications of OOP, Benefits of OOPS.
C++ Tokens, Expressions, and Control Structure.
C++ keywords
Basic Data Types
User-defined Data Types
Derived Data Types
Operators in C++
Operator Precedence
Reference Variables(O)
Theta Notation (Q)
Decision Control and Looping Statements
Conditional Branching Statements
if Statement
if–else Statement
if–else–if Statement
Switch Case
while loop
for Loop
do-while Loop
Nested Loops
Break and Continue Statements
goto Statemen
Functions In C++
Different forms of functions
Function prototyping
Call by Reference
Inline Functions
function overloading
Math library functions
Default Arguments in function
Classes And Objects
C Structure revision
Defining classes, defining member functions
Declaration of objects to class
Access to member variables from objects
Different forms of member functions dependence on access specifiers
Array of objects
Objects as function arguments
Returning objects
Pointers to members
Local classes
Friendly function
Memory Management and pointers
Using New operator
Comparison of new over malloc, calloc and realloc
Memory freeing using Delete operator
Dynamic 1-D Array
Dynamic 2-D Array
Dynamic 3-D Array
Constructor and Destructors
Introduction to Constructors and Destructors
Default Constructor
Parametrized Constructor
Dynamic Constructor
Copy Constructor
Default Argument Constructor
Overloading of Constructor
Explicit Constructors
Dynamic Initialization and Assignment Operato
Private Copy Constructors
Usage of Constructors and Destructors for Constant Objects
Dynamic initialization of object
Operator Overloading and Type conversion
Introduction of Operator Overloading
Overloading of Unary Operator
Overloading of Binary Operator
Operator Overloading using Friend Function
Overloading of new and delete operator
Overloading of () and [] operator
Overloading of +=,-=,*= and /= operator
Using Friends to Overload << and >> Operators
Overloading Assignment Operator (=)
User-defined Conversions
Built-in Data Type to Object Conversions
Object to Built-in Data Type
Conversion of Object Type using Constructors
Conversion of Object Type using Conversion Functions
Constructor vs Operator Functions for Conversion
Function Templates
Drawbacks of using Macros
Single-argument Function Templates
Generic Sorting and Need for Operator Overloading
Sorting Employee Objects using Generic Bubble Sort
Function Templates with Multiple Arguments
Function Templates with Two Generic Arguments
Non-generic Parameters in Template Functions
Types of Non-generic Arguments
Overloading One Generic Function
Default Arguments to Function Templates
Class Templates
Defining Functions of Class Templates outside the Class
Classes with Multiple Generic Data Types
Static Data Members
Friends of Class Template
Exception Handling
Need for Exception Handling
Components of Exception Handling Mechanism
try Block
catch Block
throw Expression
Throwing within and outside Functions
Throwing Variables Other than Objects
Using Multiple catch
Catch All
Restricting Exceptions from Functions: Exception Specification
Rethrowing Exceptions
terminate() and unexpected() Functions
uncaught_exception() Function
Exception Class
Advantages of using Inheritance
Defining Derived Classes
Derivation using Public Access Modifier
Derivation using Private Access Modifier
Protected Access Specifier
Deriving Multiple Classes from a Single Class
Multiple Inheritance
Problems in Multiple Inheritance
Deriving a Class from an Already Derived Class
Virtual Base Class
Applications of Constructors and Destructors
Exception Handling in Case of Derivation
Composite Objects (Container Objects)
Run-Time Polymorphism by Virtual Function
Compile Time and Run-time Polymorphism
Pointer to Object
this Pointer
Terminology of a Directed Graph
Compatibility of Derived and Base
Class Pointers
Subobject Concept
Base Class and Derived Class Member Functions
Virtual Functions
Static vs Dynamic Binding
Default Arguments to Virtual Functions
Advantages of using Virtual Functions
Virtual Destructors
Use of Virtual Functions
Pure Virtual Functions
Static Invocation of Virtual Function
Run-Time Type Information And Casting Operators
Polymorphic Objects
Need for RTTI
typeinfo Object and typeid Operator
Using typeid for Nonpolymorphic Objects
Using typeid for Polymorphic Objects
Applying typeid to Class Names and Objects
Casting using dynamic_cast
Casting using const_cast
Casting using static_cast
Casting using reinterpret_cast
Cross Casting
Streams and Formatted INPUT/OUTPUT
Predefined and Wide Character Streams
C++ Stream Classes Hierarchy
Formatted and Unformatted I/O
put() and get() Functions for cout
getline(), read(), and write() Functions
Setting and Clearing Format Flags
Using setf() Function with Two Arguments
Examining and Clearing Flags
Differences between Manipulators and ios Functions
Using Files For Input/Output
File I/O Programming
Text and Binary Streams
Opening and Closing Files
Reading from and Writing to Text Files
Reading from and Writing to Binary Files
seekg() and seekp()
tellg() and tellp()
Name Conflict Problem
Ways of using Namespaces
Defining a Namespace
Defining Variables Inside a Namespace
Defining Functions Inside a Namespace
Defining Classes Inside a Namespace
Declaring Inside and Defining Outside the Namespace
Unnamed Namespaces
Nested Namespaces
Namespace Aliases
std Namespace
String Objects
Operations on String Objects
Creating Strings
Substring Operations
Operations Involving Multiple Strings
String Characteristics
Standard Template Library
Generic Programming
Generic Algorithmss
Generic Algorithms
find() Algorithm
copy() Algorithm
sort() Algorithm
Course Details
Hours: 2 Months
Course Fee: 5000
Course Features
2 Free Demo Classes
Free Course Material
Completion Certificate
Lifetime Membership
What Student Says
I proudly say that I was a student of Matrix Computers. I did Java and Adv. Java from Bhatia sir. Foundation laid by Bhatia sir and Matrix family has been the sole reason for the growth of my skills and Expertise, thus giving my carrer a new high.
Gaurav Singh
SKIT, Jaipur
Best place to learn programming in Jaipur is Matrix Computers. The course is taught in simple and awesome way! The assignments are given after each chapter which are designed to boost our confidence and increase our interest in programming.
Rahul Sharma
Poornima University, Jaipur
My best decision in the direction of my career was joining the core Java classes of Bhatia sir at Matrix Computers. I got an indepth knowledge of all topics that helped me to excel in my interviews and projects. Thank You sir.